

感謝各位支持「第十四屆飛達新春長跑2021」,我們一直都留意著疫情最新情況,希望活動能夠如期進行。但鑑於疫情尚未穩定,同時限聚令亦未解除,大會考慮到參加者及工作人員的健康及安全,經審慎考慮後決定宣佈原定於2021年1月31日 (星期日)舉行之「第十四屆飛達新春長跑2021」將會取消。

「第十四屆飛達新春長跑2021」之報名費將會全數退款,款項將於90日內直接退回至 閣下報名所使用的信用卡戶口。如 閣下並非用信用卡付款,將有專人聯絡,請耐心等候。

如有任何查詢,請致電 +852 2690 1849 或 電郵roadevent@pacers.org.hk與我們聯絡!


14th Pacers New Year Run 2021 Cancellation Arrangement

Thank you for your support in “14th Pacers New Year Run 2021” originally scheduled on 31 January 2021 (Sunday). We have been constantly reviewing the status of Coronavirus Disease and hoping the event could be held as scheduled. Unfortunately, in view of the latest situation of Coronavirus Disease, and the health and safety of participants and working staff remain our top priority, we are sorry to announce that this event will be cancelled.

Full payment of “14th Pacers New Year Run 2021” will be refunded into your credit card account directly. Staff will contact you for the refund details if you were not using the credit card for the payment.

For any enquiry, please email roadevent@pacers.org.hk or dial +852 2690 184 for assistance.

Thank you for supporting our event and we are looking forward to seeing you in the next event!


主辨機構: 飛達田徑
全力支持: 信興集團, Panasonic, SPORTSOHO, REALIFE
贊助: JVC, kila clean, KOIZUMI, Rasonic, SIXPAD, Style

08:00 成人組:10公里 (10KM)
08:10 青年組:3公里 (3KM)
09:00 兒童組:1英里 (1609米)
09:10 親子組:800米
09:30 至強小小運動會

闊別兩年嘅飛達新春長跑賽終於返嚟啦,想同跑友一齊感受新年氣氛就要黎報名啦。今年仲大搞 “至強小小運動會” 小朋友都參與得,評估兒童體能狀況,分分鐘可以發現到佢地既無限潛能。

日期: 2021年1月31日 星期日

地點: 烏溪沙青年中心

名額 : 額滿即止


報名表格 按此下載
比賽路綫圖 稍候公佈

如有任何查詢,可於辦公時間致飛達田徑會,電話: 26901849 電郵: roadevent@pacers.org.hk